Tuesday, October 6, 2009

If I spiral perm my hair can I use the chi flat iron?

Spiral perm?

If I spiral perm my hair can I use the chi flat iron to straightened my hair for a differnt look so that I don't have to wear it curly all the the time.

If I spiral perm my hair can I use the chi flat iron?

are you sure you want to spiral perm your hair?

because you can just make it look naturally curly and THEN if you want spiral curls than you can use a curling iron. when your hair is curly/wavy, you can wear it natural, straighten it, or curl it MORE!

If I spiral perm my hair can I use the chi flat iron?

Yes....It should work! My sister has one and it works great!

If I spiral perm my hair can I use the chi flat iron?

Nope, nope, nope...Flat ironing your hair will progressively relax your perm and break off your hair.

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