Thursday, July 23, 2009

Where do you buy chi hair straightners?

You can buy them at Ulta stores. The size of the iron only matters when it comes to the length of your hair. Longer hair, wider iron - shorter hair, smaller iron! I have a Chi straightener and love it - am addicted and use it every day!!!! Don't have any problems with dryness or damage either!

Where do you buy chi hair straightners?

DONT buy those those are cheap

but you can go to sally's beauty shop

Where do you buy chi hair straightners?


Where do you buy chi hair straightners?

Oh, Ulta is having a sale on them! Just look online! I just got the catalogue yesterday. They are cool, aren't they.

Where do you buy chi hair straightners?

Chi's arent cheap.

Any retail hair salon should carry them or be able to tell you where to get them.

Where do you buy chi hair straightners?

You can buy them at certain salons. The Ulta store sells them. Regis and Style America sell them, as well.

The length and amount of your hair determine the size of the iron.

Call around to your local salons and ask them if they sell the chi's.

Where do you buy chi hair straightners?

you can buy them at most salons- well at least around where i live. if not u can order them off their web site

good luck!!

Where do you buy chi hair straightners?

Its a long link, but here!!

Where do you buy chi hair straightners?

People say chi flat irons are good but ALOT of the band reviews about them have been about their quality. Basically that they don't last as long; for the price you pay for them they should. If you don't believe me look here for reviews of the flat iron . .

The size of the plates will be on preference. The smallers ones (.5-1.5inch) are usually bought by people who have shoulder length hair. Some with thick long hair will get 2.0 inches. The ONLY problem I see with flat irons that big is that you cannot get as close to the root b/c they're big. Me personally I would go with a 1.5 not too small that you can't tackle long hair. But not too big that you can't get to the root.

Just go to folica read the reviews, look at pictures. and test the products out for yourself. They ususally accept returns as long as you return it in the condition you bought it in.

Here is one of the handful of the so so reviews talking about its durability. .

Tiffany Rivera

My first chi iron lasted about 10 months. I paid over 100 dollars for it, and it didn't last long. The light stopped staying on it couldn't get hot enough. My second chi iron lasted 6 months, it cracked. The chi is too expensive for the bad quality.

Where do you buy chi hair straightners?

here's a review of them by ebay members from ebays fashion reviews %26amp; guides.

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