okay i have seriously big curly hair - i hate it!
i would really love super slick shiny straight hair
i use a hair straightner but yea it sucks
can someone please tell me
what shampoo, condtioner/ leave in one, styling products, straightners you use to achive this look??
please help it would mean so much!! i always wanted super straight hair i hate my curls!
AND i might get a CHI hair straightner cuz its on sale for lk 169? iunos anyways if anyone has it can u tell me what problems u had with it? lolz
ME want STRAIGHT hair!!?
First of all you can get a new CHI straightener for less than 169, most of the 1inch originals sell for just $100. Check out folica.com for CHIs (it's a good safe website). Shampoo and conditioner doesn't really matter, just don't use something that leaves residue. Leave in conditioner- Infusium 23 (can get at a drugstore) is amazing. CHI products like Straightguard and Silk Infusion work great too! Blow dry your hair then straighten your hair in layers starting from the bottom, pin the rest of it up, then gradually add more to straighten.
ME want STRAIGHT hair!!?
Use Herbal Essences Dangerously Straight shampoo, conditioner, and spray.
ME want STRAIGHT hair!!?
Use herbal essences dangerously straight shampoo and conditioner, and instead of making your hair super straight and flat and sorta unnatural looking, play up what u have by putting big, wide curlers in ur hair, they add volume and make your hair bouncy, silky and shiny. or maybe u could use a round brush and blow dryer.
ME want STRAIGHT hair!!?
waer your hair curly one day. then the next morning starighten it! it workd so much better and stay straight longer. use a straightneing gel helps as well. and for the slick shiny part i swear by jhon frieda defrizz(can be found at grovery stores) and is cheap!
ME want STRAIGHT hair!!?
blow dry it before u straighten it when u get outta the shower and use the garnier fructis leave in conditioner
ME want STRAIGHT hair!!?
if your really desperate then you could look into permanant hair straigtening/japenese hair straightening :D
ME want STRAIGHT hair!!?
get your hair straight permanently. It's kind of expensive. But it leaves curly hair shiny and super straight. Its worth it
ME want STRAIGHT hair!!?
just get a perm
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